templateclass BinaryTree;template void Huffman(Type *, int, BinaryTree &);template class BinTreeNode{public: friend class BinaryTree ; friend void Huffman (Type *, int, BinaryTree &); BinTreeNode():m_pleft(NULL),m_pright(NULL){} BinTreeNode(Type item,BinTreeNode *left=NULL,BinTreeNode *right=NULL) :m_data(item),m_pleft(left),m_pright(right){} void Destroy(){ //destroy the tree with the root of the node if(this!=NULL){ this->m_pleft->Destroy(); this->m_pright->Destroy(); delete this; } } Type GetData(){ return m_data; } BinTreeNode *Copy(const BinTreeNode *copy); //copy the nodeprivate: BinTreeNode *m_pleft,*m_pright; Type m_data;};template BinTreeNode * BinTreeNode ::Copy(const BinTreeNode *copy){ if(copy==NULL){ return NULL; } BinTreeNode *temp=new BinTreeNode (copy->m_data); temp->m_pleft=Copy(copy->m_pleft); temp->m_pright=Copy(copy->m_pright); return temp;}
#include "BinTreeNode.h"templatevoid Huffman(Type *, int, BinaryTree &);template class BinaryTree{public: BinaryTree(BinaryTree &bt1, BinaryTree &bt2){ m_proot = new BinTreeNode (bt1.m_proot->m_data + bt2.m_proot->m_data, bt1.m_proot, bt2.m_proot); } BinaryTree(Type item){ m_proot = new BinTreeNode (item); } BinaryTree(const BinaryTree ©){ this->m_proot = copy.m_proot; } BinaryTree(){ m_proot = NULL; } void Destroy(){ m_proot->Destroy(); } ~BinaryTree(){// m_proot->Destroy(); } BinaryTree & operator=(BinaryTree copy); //evaluate node friend void Huffman (Type *, int, BinaryTree &); friend bool operator < (BinaryTree &l, BinaryTree & r); friend bool operator > (BinaryTree &l, BinaryTree & r); friend bool operator <= (BinaryTree &l, BinaryTree & r); friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& ,BinaryTree &); //output the dataprivate: BinTreeNode *m_proot; void Print(BinTreeNode *start,int n=0); //print the tree with the root of start};template bool operator <(BinaryTree &l, BinaryTree &r){ return l.m_proot->GetData() < r.m_proot->GetData();}template bool operator >(BinaryTree &l, BinaryTree &r){ return l.m_proot->GetData() > r.m_proot->GetData();}template bool operator <=(BinaryTree &l, BinaryTree &r){ return l.m_proot->GetData() <= r.m_proot->GetData();}template void BinaryTree ::Print(BinTreeNode *start, int n){ if(start==NULL){ for(int i=0;i m_pright,n+1); //print the right subtree for(int i=0;i =0){ cout< m_data<<"--->"< m_pleft,n+1); //print the left subtree}template ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,BinaryTree & out){ out.Print(out.m_proot); return os;}template BinaryTree & BinaryTree ::operator=(BinaryTree copy){ m_proot=m_proot->Copy(copy.m_proot); return *this;}
templateclass MinHeap{public: MinHeap(Type heap[],int n); //initialize heap by a array ~MinHeap(){ delete[] m_pheap; }public: bool Insert(const Type item); bool DeleteMin(Type &first);private: void Adjust(const int start, const int end); //adjust the elements from start to endprivate: const int m_nMaxSize; Type *m_pheap; int m_ncurrentsize;};template void MinHeap ::Adjust(const int start, const int end){ int i = start,j = i*2+1; Type temp=m_pheap[i]; while(j <= end){ if(j m_pheap[j+1]){ j++; } if(temp <= m_pheap[j]){ break; } else{ m_pheap[i] = m_pheap[j]; i = j; j = 2*i+1; } } m_pheap[i] = temp;}template MinHeap ::MinHeap(Type heap[], int n):m_nMaxSize(n){ m_pheap = new Type[m_nMaxSize]; for(int i=0; i =0){ Adjust(pos, n-1); pos--; }}template bool MinHeap ::DeleteMin(Type &first){ first = m_pheap[0]; m_pheap[0] = m_pheap[m_ncurrentsize-1]; m_ncurrentsize--; Adjust(0, m_ncurrentsize-1); return 1;}template bool MinHeap ::Insert(const Type item){ if(m_ncurrentsize == m_nMaxSize){ cerr<<"Heap Full!"< 0){ if(m_pheap[i] <= temp){ break; } else{ m_pheap[j] = m_pheap[i]; j = i; i = (j-1)/2; } } m_pheap[j] = temp; m_ncurrentsize++; return 1;}
#include "BinaryTree.h"#include "MinHeap.h"templatevoid Huffman(Type *elements, int n, BinaryTree &tree){ BinaryTree first, second; BinaryTree node[20]; for (int i=0; i (elements[i]); } MinHeap > heap(node, n); for (int i=0; i GetData() == second.m_proot->GetData()){ tree = *(new BinaryTree (second, first)); } else { tree = *(new BinaryTree (first, second)); } heap.Insert(tree); }}
#includeusing namespace std;#include "Huffman.h"int main(){ BinaryTree tree; int init[10]={3,6,0,2,8,4,9,1,5,7}; Huffman(init,10,tree); cout << tree; tree.Destroy(); return 0;}